- a little detached from reality — or can we say — completely attached?!
- unorganized thoughts — shared openly
- com calma, passo-a-passo.
são são paulo
volta a floripa
wayne thiebaud – new social environment #130 – the brooklyn rail (video)
- not to know what will happen: keeps you going
- it can’t be too perfect, but it has to feel perfect
- the issue of art history: you have to think about it if you are serious
- i don’t know what art is and i thinki it should be like this
- as a painter, the formal values are important
- if it is too real, it is probably taxidermy. it is dead.
- watercolor is a desperate medium
- being a painter i can use any medium
- get a gang and paint together
- turn the cellphone off! no drawing from photographs
- bring tension in a picture
- what do you feel seeing the work?
- of course painting is a dead object. an inanimate object. so you youself bring it to life. you enhance it with yourself. you are responsible for its life. the pleasure and joy of looking at painting can be endless.
- ref william nicholson and morandi.
- white: express infinity or be very immediate. amazing duality
- paul thiebaud gallery website
- “all good painting is cubist” — cubism: plane X volume
- to copy art: a good way to get intimate and learn — to feel in your own body how to paint
- about the experience of colors: it got more mysterious. study about history of colors in other cultures. west indian, japanese, chinese, mojavo indian…
05.11.2020 – quinta
05h55 despertar
aumentou a repercussão do caso da mariana ferrer. ainda bem. tristeza e repúdio a este caso que aconteceu aqui em floripa. fico imaginando quantas vezes situações parecidas ou nessa mesma direção acontecem e não vêm aos olhos públicos. estrupo culposo, mais uma surrealidade criada no nosso país.
e as eleições americanas continuam indecisas… lí em uma chamada: não importa que biden ganhe, os eua já saem perdendo por mostrar que a disputa foi tão acirrada. a supremacia branca com tanta força. o movimento de separação me parece tão anti-natural.