
12h26 driving with mother to show a house. conditions are: snowing a lot, dirt road with 10 cm of snow. the alarm in the car said the back tire is way down. another alarm, gas is low. we got to the house, but there is the way back. i was driving worried, but then, i realized that all my nervous contraction wouldn’t help the situation. what can one do? if something happens, i surely will do something (have no clue where to begin, but since i don’t need it, all is well)

thinking about life. what we wait for is a permission to be and do ourselves. i wonder why is so. all the worries and the struggle. actually, the struggle is life. as soon as i really act with this knowledge, most of the demons/worries/situations evaporates. 


to whom i felt i had to explain myself: only to me and the beings that i’ve created.


the world is open.


to build our own island. a truthful one — just create reality as we want

filmes com mãe

  • bab’aziz — beleza de história, visual, possibilidades…
  • the hours (2002) quis assistir com ela, pois no dia anterior escutamos a trilha do philip glass… e é um filme essencial. dá prazer compartilhar obras que reverberam.

23h57 começar trabalhar e terminar


16h11 meau came back to say hello // meau voltou pra dar um alou

20h27 matutando aqui sobre os desejos e afins. já escutei falar sobre desejar direito… e começo a perceber que muitas vezes ou desejamos errado ou desejamos apenas na fala. e as ações?

23h29 hoje foi um dia atípico, mas a partir de hoje não há mais rotina nem imersão. os próximos serão férias com mãe. hoje finalmente as botas para neve chegaram, porém a previsão é chuva. pensando em tempo, já sinto uma leve pressão para fazer as coisas acontecerem. condição natural. me anima ver os devaneios de alice. inspirações e experiências compartilhadas transformam-se em combustível.

um livro que havia comprado há algumas semanas não foi entregue e retornaram o valor. comprei-o novamente e acabei comprando mais dois // a book i’ve bought some weeks ago didn’t arrive and they refunded it. bought it from another seller and included two more.

  • marlene dumas — sweet nothings
  • clemente — elizabeth avedon
  • marlene dumas — wet dreams


07h11 um espetáculo todo nascer do sol. // a spectacle in every sunrise

  • sistemas de pensamento // systems of thought
  • a forma poética // the poetic form
  • saber escutar toma tempo // how to listen takes time
  • não deixe a oportunidade de ficar quieto passar // do not waste the beautiful opportunity to be quiet
  • fazer fotos sem cartão de memória na camera pode ser frustrante. mas também cômico // to make photographs without the card in the camera can be frutrating. but also comical
  • questão de proporção pintura X imagem X reprodução digital
  • contemplar | deleite-se

j.p. 2017 14 – introduction to traits / psychometrics / the big 5

  • establish what is better / worst
    • not the perspective of the psychoterapist
  • any structure
  • to become one thing – at one point of your life
  • gap
  • biological psychometrics
  • reliability
  • the measure of personality
  • measure is everything (in scientific research)
  • the big five
  • personality
  • traits : frames of reference
    • modes of perception
    • patterns of behavior
    • stable motivations
    • systems of values
  • subpersonalities
  • intelligence // IQ
  • introvert / extrovert
  • openness: normally artists and entrepeneurs
  • open: other people as opportunities to engage in interesting intellectual conversation // ideas // aesthetics
  • high in neutoticism
    • more likely to live in the worls as a place of threat, to be protected against, they are more anxious and prone to emotional pain
  • patterns of behavior
  • personality — relationships
  • means of measure
  • construction validation
  • protect against bias to measure it correctly

j.p. 2017 15 biology traits – the limbic system

  • personality neuroscience
  • neyropsychology of anxiety – book – jeffrey grey
  • hyppocanpus – match mismatch
  • circuits — loose groups
  • roughly motivations — set goals
  • emotions – orient towards the goal
  • motivation:
    • set goal
    • prime behavior
    • set the frame on interpretation the world / perceptual tuning
  • micropersonality
  • fovia detection
  • the gorilla videos
  • the rule for perception
  • don’t pay attention to anything that isn’t directly relevant to the desired outcome.
  • only pay attention to things that make ytou fail — or mainly
  • emotional reaction
  • prepares you for the worst
  • diagram: thing in itself
  • you can see all different things. it depends on your goals
  • detail x time
  • you have to frame the world in order to interact with it
  • the world is frame
    • not overwhelmed by chaos
  • mind boggling: all our female ancestors sucessfully lived and reproduced
  • where do you feel you are located?
    • your brain? heart? stomach — if hungry?
  • you see with your body! not only vision
  • the brain isn’t just in your head
  • the brain:
    • cerebellum
    • occipital lobe
    • parietal lobe
    • frontal lobe
    • temporal lobe
  • primitive: isn’t old and not useful. on the contrary: because it has time, it got better with time.
  • consciousness — as a process, a looping interaction (plausible)

j.p. 2017 16 biology and traits — incentive reward/threat // extraversion // neuroticism

  • emotion: positive and negative
  • extraversion — neuroticism
  • motivation sets goals
  • emotions trick progress towards goals
  • learning theory (behaviour)
  • basic motivations?
  • panic/escape
  • ref: affective neuroscience (book)


14h50 religar

paul klee – the silence of the angel (2005)

21h12 i didn’t work in the studio today, but coming back from the night’s conversation, i did some moon-drawing photographs.


ao invês de gravata colorida
prefiro pulseira huni kuin colorida.
simples escolha que traz sorriso e bons ares.

instead of a colorful tie
i prefer a colorful huni kuin bracelet.
simple choice that brings smile and fresh air.


08h34 it doesn’t matter what time i go to sleep, i always get up around 6. what a gift to see the sunrise. drink coffee. read. the silence before the birds. a completely new day.

“there is a literary idea every time there is no plastic invention.”

odilon redon – to himself — in the book painting and reality

08h49 i was thinking about the lecture i’ve watched yesterday. besides being painterly delicious, i enjoy even more the work of bruno dunley because he thinks by painting. i admire and appreciate it!

“lembrete: sua fatura vence amanhã.”

(essay) octavio paz – breach and convergence (1986)

20h50 superar as referências // overcome the references


08h47 flechada braba

10h43 se for para julgar, que seja para ver o melhor. as qualidades também (principalmente?) estão no olhar. desejo ver as boas possibilidades.

14h43 i really don’t like situations where we cannot deny our own participation….
“there will be a dinner, and this person expects that we go”

(video course)
lisa congdon – becoming a working artist 01~06
oh well. lisa has knowledge in areas that i have not, so i am learning about the contemporary (internet) side of possibilities. as with all courses, you have to get what you need/can/must and discard what doesn’t resonate in this moment.

(art lecture)

debates sobre arte contemporânea I – dudi maia rosa – usp (2016)

é um deleite quando escuto alguém e logo penso: “esse/essa aí é doid@!” — é o que sinto toda vez que escuto o dudi.

  • a gente não se basta
  • o mito de tirar “de dentro do artista”
    • na real é uma dominação
  • achou a vida ao invés de encontrar uma resposta
  • cultura — tornar um fato comum esse nosso encontro
  • eu era ignorante, então esse foi o grande trabalho

debates sobre arte contemporânea II – bruno dunley – usp (2016)

  • a obra – a coisa – a palavra
  • questionamento das certezas
  • vultos poéticos – dúvida e certeza como afirmação através da experiência
  • o começo: o que pintar – memória – infância
  • cultura da pintura: morandi, paulo pasta, sergio sister, rodrigo andrade — lentidão, tonalismo
  • lugar codificado
  • mudanças: difícil e lenta
  • lirismo
  • gesto
  • narrativa da materialidade
  • o trabalho é sempre um problema
  • não necessariamente estilo e linguagem andam juntos

(live) bebel abreu — fala miolos: design e possibilidades gráficas em zines (2021)


09h46 time passes by

(video essay)
james ensor and the french avant-garde – “long live free, free art!” – scott allan – getty museum (2021)

about the good old quest for identity

14h47 entered the digital hoarder black hole spiral once again. while waiting for a small painting to dry (guardian of reason), i looked for a pdf: gustavo reginato – pequeno manual do empoderamento gráfico. the author has an independent publishing house in florianópolis and this little book has some suggestions about publishing. gave it a look and searched for other books in the bibliography:

searching this last author, the black hole expanded. i went to academia.edu and not only artist’s book and indie publishing, but i arrived at ethnographic photograph books… also, just found amir cadôr’s page on issuu, he has uploaded a ton of artist’s book… oh my…
… also discovered a praça, beautiful idea.
… i already had this bookmarked: https://colecaolivrodeartista.wordpress.com/ – seems amir cadôr is the responsible for the project. it makes sense…
https://www.nieves.ch/ – oh my…

  • art & fear – david bayles & ted orland — 1993 – audiobook
    • i am not desperate, just trying to beat my prejudices. i think this kind of material, motivational, are tools and should be used whenever necessary.
  • (doc) the devil and daniel johnston (2005)
    • such an interesting character! really like his openness and courage. when the film explores the dark sides of his sickness, well… i hardly could watch it. i am glad that he made it through, in his own way.
  • bought a book: tal r’s garbage man (2021)



insecure? so let’s work in creation, that will sooth your aflictions…
it can be heaven or hell, sometimes all at once.


let’s be criti


each work a universe.

14h14 helped dana clear the road. i love working with snow and shovel.

15h20 masterclass yo-yo ma

  • unbroken flow of energy
  • shared thought and emotion
  • awe
  • content / communication / reception
  • emotional presence
  • to deliver and to listen
  • art & science

(essay) jaider esbell – uma história devolvida — notas sobre a antropofagia –– revista dasquestões – antropofagias futuras (2021)

  • (film) la belle verte – 1996 – com mãe
  • (short film) matilde campilho – fevereiro – com mãe

good to share nice works with mother. she loved the film and the poetry.




today is really snowing. i estimate at least some 15cm (6in). i did an experiment. took some papers outside with some ink. it didn’t take long for the papers to get covered. i don’t have adequate shoes for this weather. i also wonder how will i drive the car to pick mother at her work. i am drinking an delicious cup of brazilian coffee.

the weather changed. time to move this painting.

já fui reverente, agora sou só paciente


23h31 finished watching kitano’s achilles and the tortoise movie. it has been almost 10 years that i’ve watched and it got me in a complete different way. the quest for an ideal art. trying and trying. market. relationships. not realizing what matters — be it in the work or in contact with others/life. how to cope with the romanticized vision of the artist? because clearly this is something i think about. how not to miss what really matters? clarity of being — and of language.

to find create a working method.

one inspires the other and that’s life. it gives meaning.

### context context context ###


a few days ago, for the first time in my life, i chopped wood for fire. what a pleasurable action. we are stocking it for the next days, which are getting colder and colder. phone over 1h30 with a. afterwards, went to etna.

  • (d) Francisco Brennand – doc – 2012
    • não conhecia muito do artista. deu vontade de visitar seu espaço e mergulhar mais a fundo em seu universo. bom ver o peso que a pintura teve em sua vida. no filme, ele volta e meia fala sobre a pintura parecer/fugir do realismo… o peso da figuração, principalmente da forma feminina. gostei do brennand falando sobre a matéria das esculturas, dar-se a entender pelo som que ela emite se merece ou não viver. em outro momento ele diz mostra uma argila que está no seu ateliê há anos. a fornalha com nome de prometeu, simplesmente genial. urubu. peixe. mulher. pintura. letra da assinatura. o tempo, a vida. o registro de um diário.
  • (tv) Ride the Tiger – PBS – 2016
    • most advanced studies of the brain and its disfunctions. how can we deal with this machine?



i heard about assertiveness for the first time in a nvc course some years ago. then i did another course and got deeper into it. yesterday i did a test and it showed what i already knew: my assertiveness is very low. so what to do? read a book about it. just started the assertiveness workbook, by randy j. peterson.

[why do i feel quasi-ashamed to write it here? because it might fit the “self-help” section of books? oh, my prejudices. in any case, isn’t all books self-help? all philosophy and literature included. two of the prejudices, at least mine, is truly against digested thoughts and the motivation of the work — when we can see we think we know the creator’s motivation is money or recognition.]

back to the book. it seems really helpful to understand about the possibilities that an assertive communication can bring. in this perspective, what are the other options? passive, aggressive or passive-aggressive. i would rather learn a better, most respectful way to myself and others than to let my ignorance and automatism prevail.

i never officially did, but it seems that writing is starting to be a kind of therapy. anyways, i will start as soon i go back home.

night: while mother and i were watching the movie mr jones, we’ve heard dana screaming. she was excited because it was snowing. the first snow of the year gives us so much pleasure and hapiness.



o que eu sei // o que eu sinto
what do i know // what do i feel
what do i know // how do i feel

socrates dialogue about bed (painting and reality 6.3, etienne gilson)

finally the sky is clear and i can see the sunrise. delight.


bike ride this afternoon. went to the library for the first time here in yreka. had some interesting books, not too many in the art section. it had a huge catalogue of ben shahn, american artist that i’ve wanted to know more… also i did some drawing based on prints from a siskiyou county’s history book. most of the info was around the 1850~90’s. lots of portuguese and even brazilian heritage in this region. who would’ve known?!

also went to the new cafe+book shop here in town. coudn’t resist and bought a book: octavio paz’s the other voice. essays about modern poetry. to deal with my problem with books — problem because it is an addiction — i will start writing about the books i’m buying. hopefully it will get things a bit more controlled. if i had the money, i would buy with no hard feeling. but i haven’t, so i shouldn’t.

it feels good to do exercise. it’s getting colder and colder…

noite: mãe apareceu aqui de surpresa. fizemos uma ligação com amanda. foi das melhores ligações da vida. falamos sobre amor, conexões, histórias e planejamentos.



went to mount shasta this morning. it has been foggy for a few days, but i took the chance to go up the mountain. i got lucky and sometimes the sky got clear. because of the cold, i did some drawings inside the car. it was pleasurable.

yesterday i spoke with grandma and finally she named the chicken that was hers to name it: ladybug (joaninha!) such a perfect name!


07h16 read camus’ essay create dangerously. short but powerful read.

  • “Then, every once in a while, a new world appears, different from the everyday world and yet the same, particular but universal, full of innocent insecurity—called forth for a few hours by the power and longing of genius”
  • “This is why the artist, at the end of his slow advance, absolves instead of condemning. Instead of being a judge, he is a justifier”
  • “The free artist is the one who, with great effort, creates his own order”

yesterday i got some books in the mail. the most incredible is manoel de barros’s compilation in english. i am amazed! just to see that someone tried what seemed an impossible task — to translate manoel! him and fernando pessoa, with all my limitations, makes me love the portuguese language.

  • luc tuymans & wilhelm sasnal in conversation



lazy sunday. at least in the atelier. walk in park with mother. christmas lights around the house. cellphone fell while i was trying to make a photograph of a beautiful buck. i won’t look for a solution right now. i feel this as an omen: stop wasting time and go to work.

i was already in bed a while a go and couldn’t resist going to sleep without making anything today. got up and did some drawings.

i now know why i create. to exist.


05h19 i know i’m waking up really early, so i go to bed also really early. like 21h30. not completely 8 hours, but i try!

a random thought passed through my mind and i searched about how jeff bridges is doing — i knew that he is going through a healing cancer process — and today is his birthday. nice coincidence. he is getting through it, it seems he is doing healthy and fine.


eu não sei, mas tô querendo saber
para depois poder dizer
agora sim
sei que não sei.

(mais que saber, desejo mesmo é a prática do fazer)


afternoon: kirk’s birthday. six years old!

23h14 desenhos noturnos. acabei de reencontrar textos de um blog de 2008~10. consigo ver com maior distanciamento e analisar sem tanta identificação pessoal. de início já fica claro a má qualidade, principalmente da forma da escrita. porém serviu como encontro. saio meio chocado, pasmo.


06h43 que oportunidade refletir e expressar: simplesmente estou vivo.

coleciono existência e experiências

07h45 the book won’t be — it isn’t — a problem. produce works: then organize them.

10h03 colored pencil

16h59 drawing outside. it gets so cold right after the sun goes behind the mountain (around 4pm). ink takes longer to dry…

about 5 minutes before the sun went down the mountain, a lot of birds started to sing. it felt like i was right in the middle of them all. mother got right at this moment, and before i tell anything, she said she was impressed with all that sound. i try to record it.


manoel de barros – o apanhador de desperdícios

Uso a palavra para compor meus silêncios.
Não gosto das palavras
fatigadas de informar.
Dou mais respeito
às que vivem de barriga no chão
tipo água pedra sapo.
Entendo bem o sotaque das águas
Dou respeito às coisas desimportantes
e aos seres desimportantes.
Prezo insetos mais que aviões.
Prezo a velocidade
das tartarugas mais que a dos mísseis.
Tenho em mim um atraso de nascença.
Eu fui aparelhado
para gostar de passarinhos.
Tenho abundância de ser feliz por isso.
Meu quintal é maior do que o mundo.
Sou um apanhador de desperdícios:
Amo os restos
como as boas moscas.
Queria que a minha voz tivesse um formato
de canto.
Porque eu não sou da informática:
eu sou da invencionática.
Só uso a palavra para compor meus silêncios.

no livro memórias inventadas – a primeira infância

22h30 it is late and i’ve worked all day. i feel happy, which makes me wonder: is this mania? or just feeling elated for doing what i love the most? does it make a difference?

i opened google now and there is a doodle of seurat. tomorrow is his birthday, what a nice surprise. tomorrow i shall draw something that its following me for quite some time. oh seurat! i have his biography, but didn’t had the chance to read it… everyone points to his pointilism, but besides it, what really draws my attention are his drawings. such texture and smooth transtitions. i have no clue how he managed to make them.

something nice during the day: i was thinking about the little book and had only shasta on the cover. it was the initial idea. then an adition came: aurora in shasta. it will be hard to come a better name than this. i relate to it in so many ways.

i am tired. i already know which poem(s) i’ll read tomorrow.

hans theys – questions about luc tuymans I
free notes:

  • ±13:25 the wish to make an art which is not autobiographical
  • ±19:20 i think artist have to be protected from simplyfied explanations
  • ±23:21 artist claim their freedom // potential freedom // to react against what want to (personal freedom)
  • ±31 awkward compositions from the 16mm films
  • 35 meaning in works of art
    • no meaning to decipher
    • never ONE meaning/intention/message
  • 48 truth is what works // we almost know nothing // conscious ignorance

hans theys – questions about luc tuymans II

  • baudrillard
  • ±05:40
    • liking to make works
    • also impression not to be seen enough
    • to augument reality
    • not noticed by theirs parents; do not exist
    • survival strategy
  • ±22 his works are singular — overexposure // and because it reports about his reality without ever being explicit
    • discard the functions of the brain as creating/disliking reality
  • ±37 not being able to talk about the work. to save/protect the work
  • ±40
    • intuition x choices? both, they aren’t necessarily contradictions
    • everybody does [play the role of the artist]
    • adopt a role, before becoming who you are. you have to become
    • yes, tuymans is a master of his craft, and everybody fakes till she or he makes it.
    • nietzsche: become who you are.
    • you have to create your own scenography.


From the point of view of art taken precisely qua art, there is nothing to lose in considering all paintings anonymous.

Etienne Gilson in Painting and Reality

10h16 momentum

15h32 ó céus // ó terra // terra plana.

a vida não é chata // as pessoas são chatas
a vida não é chata // algumas pessoas são chatas
a vida não é chata // eu memo tô sendo


06h12 today is monday. with effort, i have less than a month with the possibility of total commitment. what i have to say to myself and everyone i care: do not waste time. work as much as possible — enough to look back and say it was worth it.

  • liana fink “what we say vs what we think” (2021) – artist decoded podcast
  • luiz fuganti – a criação de si como obra de arte
  • hans hoffman – artist-teacher, teacher-artist (2002)


07h44 started reading jasper john’s writings and interviews.

night: i have found my treasure chest.