02h02 it has been an interesting day. to live what’n’how i’d like to: working in the studio.
Mês: julho 2022
madrugada 21.07, 01h46: não é comum ficar até tarde acordado. porém hoje não foi um dia comum. dei algum passo com a pintura.
- como organizar o pensamento artístico?
- am i a complete failure?
- it would be unfair not to think about it
- i must start somewhere
- (d) Kurt Vonnegut – Unstuck in Time (2021)
What an incredible experience this documentary brings. To know a bit more about the life of this extraordinary writer already is a joy, but the film is also about a the friendship of the director and Kurt Vonnegut. Filmed over more than 30 years, with lots of material: the oldest being a reel of film with Kurt Vonnegut around five years old. Thinking about it, I don’t know about any other documentary with such an incredible archive of the life one’s documenting. Where there is joy also has darkness. And so it goes…
I wonder if this movie has a strong effect to someone who haven’t read Vonnegut. My guess is hell yeah!