05h19 i know i’m waking up really early, so i go to bed also really early. like 21h30. not completely 8 hours, but i try!
a random thought passed through my mind and i searched about how jeff bridges is doing — i knew that he is going through a healing cancer process — and today is his birthday. nice coincidence. he is getting through it, it seems he is doing healthy and fine.
eu não sei, mas tô querendo saber para depois poder dizer agora sim sei que não sei.
(mais que saber, desejo mesmo é a prática do fazer)
afternoon: kirk’s birthday. six years old!
23h14 desenhos noturnos. acabei de reencontrar textos de um blog de 2008~10. consigo ver com maior distanciamento e analisar sem tanta identificação pessoal. de início já fica claro a má qualidade, principalmente da forma da escrita. porém serviu como encontro. saio meio chocado, pasmo.
06h43 que oportunidade refletir e expressar: simplesmente estou vivo.
coleciono existência e experiências
07h45 the book won’t be — it isn’t — a problem. produce works: then organize them.
10h03 colored pencil
16h59 drawing outside. it gets so cold right after the sun goes behind the mountain (around 4pm). ink takes longer to dry…
about 5 minutes before the sun went down the mountain, a lot of birds started to sing. it felt like i was right in the middle of them all. mother got right at this moment, and before i tell anything, she said she was impressed with all that sound. i try to record it.
Uso a palavra para compor meus silêncios. Não gosto das palavras fatigadas de informar. Dou mais respeito às que vivem de barriga no chão tipo água pedra sapo. Entendo bem o sotaque das águas Dou respeito às coisas desimportantes e aos seres desimportantes. Prezo insetos mais que aviões. Prezo a velocidade das tartarugas mais que a dos mísseis. Tenho em mim um atraso de nascença. Eu fui aparelhado para gostar de passarinhos. Tenho abundância de ser feliz por isso. Meu quintal é maior do que o mundo. Sou um apanhador de desperdícios: Amo os restos como as boas moscas. Queria que a minha voz tivesse um formato de canto. Porque eu não sou da informática: eu sou da invencionática. Só uso a palavra para compor meus silêncios.
no livro memórias inventadas – a primeira infância
22h30 it is late and i’ve worked all day. i feel happy, which makes me wonder: is this mania? or just feeling elated for doing what i love the most? does it make a difference?
i opened google now and there is a doodle of seurat. tomorrow is his birthday, what a nice surprise. tomorrow i shall draw something that its following me for quite some time. oh seurat! i have his biography, but didn’t had the chance to read it… everyone points to his pointilism, but besides it, what really draws my attention are his drawings. such texture and smooth transtitions. i have no clue how he managed to make them.
something nice during the day: i was thinking about the little book and had only shasta on the cover. it was the initial idea. then an adition came: aurora in shasta. it will be hard to come a better name than this. i relate to it in so many ways.
i am tired. i already know which poem(s) i’ll read tomorrow.