07h11 um espetáculo todo nascer do sol. // a spectacle in every sunrise
- sistemas de pensamento // systems of thought
- a forma poética // the poetic form
- saber escutar toma tempo // how to listen takes time
- não deixe a oportunidade de ficar quieto passar // do not waste the beautiful opportunity to be quiet
- fazer fotos sem cartão de memória na camera pode ser frustrante. mas também cômico // to make photographs without the card in the camera can be frutrating. but also comical
- questão de proporção pintura X imagem X reprodução digital
- contemplar | deleite-se
j.p. 2017 14 – introduction to traits / psychometrics / the big 5
- establish what is better / worst
- not the perspective of the psychoterapist
- any structure
- to become one thing – at one point of your life
- gap
- biological psychometrics
- reliability
- the measure of personality
- measure is everything (in scientific research)
- the big five
- personality
- traits : frames of reference
- modes of perception
- patterns of behavior
- stable motivations
- systems of values
- subpersonalities
- intelligence // IQ
- introvert / extrovert
- openness: normally artists and entrepeneurs
- open: other people as opportunities to engage in interesting intellectual conversation // ideas // aesthetics
- high in neutoticism
- more likely to live in the worls as a place of threat, to be protected against, they are more anxious and prone to emotional pain
- patterns of behavior
- personality — relationships
- means of measure
- construction validation
- protect against bias to measure it correctly
j.p. 2017 15 biology traits – the limbic system
- personality neuroscience
- neyropsychology of anxiety – book – jeffrey grey
- hyppocanpus – match mismatch
- circuits — loose groups
- roughly motivations — set goals
- emotions – orient towards the goal
- motivation:
- set goal
- prime behavior
- set the frame on interpretation the world / perceptual tuning
- micropersonality
- fovia detection
- the gorilla videos
- the rule for perception
- don’t pay attention to anything that isn’t directly relevant to the desired outcome.
- only pay attention to things that make ytou fail — or mainly
- emotional reaction
- prepares you for the worst
- diagram: thing in itself
- you can see all different things. it depends on your goals
- detail x time
- you have to frame the world in order to interact with it
- the world is frame
- not overwhelmed by chaos
- mind boggling: all our female ancestors sucessfully lived and reproduced
- where do you feel you are located?
- your brain? heart? stomach — if hungry?
- you see with your body! not only vision
- the brain isn’t just in your head
- the brain:
- cerebellum
- occipital lobe
- parietal lobe
- frontal lobe
- temporal lobe
- primitive: isn’t old and not useful. on the contrary: because it has time, it got better with time.
- consciousness — as a process, a looping interaction (plausible)
j.p. 2017 16 biology and traits — incentive reward/threat // extraversion // neuroticism
- emotion: positive and negative
- extraversion — neuroticism
- motivation sets goals
- emotions trick progress towards goals
- learning theory (behaviour)
- basic motivations?
- panic/escape
- ref: affective neuroscience (book)